Third Thursday of each month (except December) .
7:00 PM (doors open at 6:15 PM)
Woodson Terrace Old City Hall Building
9531 Guthrie Avenue
Woodson Terrace, MO 63134.
One block South of Natural Bridge Road at the intersection of Woodson Road (Highway EE) and Guthrie on the East side of Woodson Road just behind the 7-11 located on the corner. Meeting consists of presentations, raffles, find of the month contest and much more.
Club Hunts
An Informal Group Hunt is held on the Saturday following each monthly meeting.
A schedule for this next year’s hunts with dates and locations will be developed and will be included below once it has been established. Updates or changes to the schedule may be made so check back from time-to-time. Members may arrive at any time and stay as long as they wish. This is a good way for newer members or beginners to work with members with more experience to pick up detecting tips and methods and to learn how to more effectively use their detectors.
INFORMAL GROUP HUNT SCHEDULE Open to Members and non-members – The Saturday following the monthly club meeting.
Members Only Hunts – Custom club hunts arrainged with landowners.
Annual Fall Hunt – Mid September every Year
Saturday Sept 23, 2023 – See flyer for info